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Rubato Night Episode 042 [2012.01.13] by Dj Rubato on Mixcloud  

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 2012년 첫 Rubato Nigth Podcast입니다!

1월 9일 비트포트에 발매된 Dayzanst의 Double Bind를 비롯해 트랜스가 많이 포진해 있네요.

요즘처럼 추운 날씨에 따뜻함을 느낄 수 있는 공간감, 아름다운 멜로디를 느껴보시길~

Check it out!

<Track List>

01. Marco V & Russell G - Kalevala [In Charge] 
02. Max Graham - F.Y.C. (Steve Haines remix) [Re*Brand] 
03. Joseph Areas - Subtle Motion [AVA] 
04. Gareth Emery - Tokyo (Ben Gold Remix) [Garuda] 
05. Johnny Yono - Fairfax [Always Alive] 
06. Alex O'Rion - Craters of The Moon (Craving Mix) [Songbird] 
07. Bjorn Akesson & Jwaydan - Xantic (Mike Shiver Remix) [FSOE] 
08. Tomb Lavin & Adrohan - Tackleberry (Matthew Nagle Remix) [High Contrast Nu Breed] 
09. Leon Bolier - War of The Worlds (Hodel Remix) [Streamlined] 
10. Dayzanst - Double Bind [Slient Shore White]

Posted by djrubato
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